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E-Biomed: The Journal of Regenerative Medicine

ISSN: 1524-8909.

e-biomed: the journal of regenerative medicine, a new peer-reviewed electronic journal for Y2K, will focus on a unique approach to healing - using the body's own stem cells and growth factors to repair organs, tissues, and cells. To facilitate advances in this exciting new field, the manuscript and peer-review process will be electronic, and papers will be available online to subscribers within 3 weeks of acceptance. "The implications of renewing body tissues with the help of natural signals that control its growth are enormous," said the Journal's editor-in-chief, William A. Haseltine, Ph.D., who has coined the term "regenerative medicine" to signify this promising new area of research endeavor. "As we understand the body's repair process at the genetic level," Dr. Haseltine said, "we will be able to advance the goal of maintaining our bodies in normal function, perhaps perpetually." The content of the Journal will include papers on biocompatible materials, bioinformatics, cell biology, cloning, embryology, gene therapy, genomics, organogenesis, stem cell biology, transplantation biology, and transplantation medicine.

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