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Energy Economics Letters
Energ Econ Lett

ISSN: 2308-2925.

Energy Economics Letters provides a platform for scholars to discuss the papers concerned with the economics, econometric modeling, analysis of energy systems and issues. EEL covers a number of disciplines, including energy economics theory, energy planning and management, energy modeling, financial economics, regulatory economics, computational economics, statistics, econometrics, operational research and strategic modelling. EEL is of interest to professional economists, financial analysts, consultants, policy makers as well as academic researchers related with the economic analysis of energy issues, broadly interpreted. Moreover, EEL is also considers the economic and environmental impacts of energy sources such as geothermal, hydrogen, hydropower, solar and wind, electricity generation and consumption etc. The journal publishes papers on qualitative methodology, discussions on analysis of the validity, reliability of empirical results, policy evaluations, cross-countries data analysis, panel data analysis, time series analysis and EEL more focuses on energy economics, econometrics and statistical tools base research.

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