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Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental /Environmental and Social Management Journal

ISSN: 1981-982X.

A Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental - RGSA é uma publicação de caráter científico que visa ampliar a discussão e disseminação da temática socioambiental, resultante de pesquisas acadêmicas. Sua linha editorial está assentada em temas que dizem respeito às áreas de gestão e de política socioambientais das organizações. The Environmental and Social Management Journal (RGSA) is a scientific publication aiming to provoke discussion and dissemination of the social and environmental theme resulting from academic research. Its editorial line is grounded on issues relating to areas of social and environmental management and company policies. The RGSA has the support of a group of scholars that actively participate in the International Conference of Corporate and Environmental Management (ENGEMA) and in Meetings of the Brazilian Academy of Management (ENANPAD). Said scholars are members of a wide variety of research groups in the social and environmental field, primarily in stricto sensu courses in the most prestigious Brazilian universities, representing the Scientific Committee.

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