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ISSN (printed): 1938-1956. ISSN (electronic): 1938-1964.

There are a number of reasons why this is an ideal time to launch the new journal Chimerism. First, advances in molecular biological techniques over the past 10 years have resulted in tools to measure and characterize Mc that were previously unavailable. Also, it has only recently been appreciated that cells routinely traffic between the mother and fetus and that some cells persist decades later in respective individuals. Early studies suggest naturally acquired Mc has both detrimental and adverse consequences. A forum for interdisciplinary exchange is especially timely as investigators stand to profit by knowledge from colleagues in other research areas. For example, prior transplantation Mc studies generally tested female recipients of male grafts for male DNA, but were done prior to appreciation of persistent fetal Mc. Another example is shared insights may be garnered from pregnancy immunology (tolerance of the genetically disparate fetus) and transplantation (allograft) tolerance. Finally, another reason the time is ideal to launch Chimerism is the need to establish standard techniques and measures of chimerism that are shared across disciplines as well as internationally.

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