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Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

ISSN: 1847-9804.

The aim of the journal is to publish peer-reviewed papers at the forefront of nanoscale science and technology, bringing together the science and applications of nanoscale and nanostructured materials with an emphasis on the synthesis, processing, characterization, and applications of materials containing nanometric dimensions or nanostructures that enable novel/enhanced properties or functions. The journal highlights continued growth and new challenges in the nanotechnology field, both for application development and for basic research. Papers publishable in this journal are required to meet high scientific quality standards, to contain significant and original new results, and should give an overview of innovative advances within a particular area of nanoscale science and technology. Beyond regular papers, the journal also includes review papers describing the state of the art in a particular research field, especially those exploring multidisciplinary views of nanostructures and those related to significant innovative nanotechnologies. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology also publishes new perspectives as Invited Feature Articles, providing an in-depth analysis of a certain topic and highlighting new and cutting-edge arguments through the author's interpretation.

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