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Kacike: Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology

ISSN: 1562-5028.

The publication of KACIKE: Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology, is motivated by a desire to correct the long standing impression that Caribbean Amersocsci.natamer were either irrelevant to the making of the modern societies and cultural formations found in the Caribbean basin, merely mute witnesses to history, or that they have been altogether absent in post-colonial Caribbean history. In addition, KACIKE endeavours to counter the impression that there were few or no historical documents that inform us of Caribbean Amerindian societies, groups, individuals, or lifeways, or that they were produced entirely by naive individuals guided solely by superficial and predetermined impressions or by agendas so sinister that absolutely nothing of importance is to be learned. Hence this journal features a historical dimension to the study of Caribbean Amerindian society and culture, extending before 1492 and after. The publication of KACIKE: Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology, was also motivated by the perceived need to gather ongoing research and writing on Caribbean Amersocsci.natamer, in one primary forum. Over the centuries, and with especial intensity in the last decades, volumes of work have appeared on various aspects of Caribbean Amerindian societies and cultures. The large number of researchers dedicated to this field -- anthropologists, archaeologists and historians -- seems to mandate the creation of a journal such as this one, specializing in bringing forth such research. In the meantime, many older and sometimes obscure sources are often poorly distributed and thus not available for use by researchers without some difficulty. It is the intent of this journal to also seek permission to publish reprints of important historical accounts or contemporary ethnographic work that has hitherto been inadequately disseminated. In addition, this journal will also endeavour to present invaluable research resources to current researchers, in the form of research bibliographies and other data collections. With time, as the Internet continues to grow in size and sophistication (from the academic standpoint), many of our publications will be able to utilize hypertext links to connect readers with other important sources that either are or will be available on the Internet, somewhat facilitating the research review process.

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