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Global Analyst
Global Analyst

ISSN: 1365-4705.

Global Analysis Limited specialises in researching and publishing exposures and insider analyses on the World Revolution through which we are living. Our primary new activity has been the recent introduction of Global Analyst, a quality newsletter published as six issues per series (roughly annually). Global Analyst addresses the multiple dimensions of the revolutionary, esoteric and subversive operations that are destabilising all our societies, including occultic and other familiar diversions from True Christianity, the perversion and subversion of organised religion, the covert criminalisation and penetration of intelligence communities, the ever-expanding mega-corruption of governance, the control of national and supranational government by intelligence cadres, and the ubiquitous Illuministic revolutionary menace to ordered civilisation. Global Analyst further investigates ‘where no brush can reach’, exposing dimensions of the World Revolution with a depth of understanding that may be absent from superficial analyses by many other sources, most of which are vulnerable to some degree of intelligence control (especially in the United States, where every main press room has its own in-house intelligence cell). Global Analysis Limited is operated independently of all outside interests so as to be able to maximise the potential of intelligence objectivity, given ubiquitous mis- and disinformation.

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