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Statutes & Decisions: The Laws of the USSR and its Successor States

ISSN: 1061-0014.

Statutes and Decisions: The Laws of the USSR and Its Successor States contains translations of items from the following sources: Biulleten' normativnykh aktov (Bulletin of Normative Acts); Izvestiia (Information); Rossiiskaia gazeta (Russian Newspaper); Rossiiskaia iustitsiia (Russian Justice); Rossiiskie vesti (Russian News); Sobranie Aktov Presidenta i Pravitel'stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii (Collection of Acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation); Sobranie zakonodatel'stva RF (Collection of Legislation of the RF); Gosudarstvo i pravo (The State and Law); Vedomosti Federal'nogo Sobraniia Rossiiskoi Federatsii (Gazette of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation); Vestnik Konstitutsionogo suda RF (RF Constitutional Court Herald); Vest-nik Verkhovnogo suda RSFSR (RSFSR Supreme Court Herald); Vestnik Vysshego arbitrazhnogo suda RF (RF Higher Arbitrazh Court Herald); Zakon (Law); Zakonnost' (Legality); Zakonodatel'stvo i ekonomika (Legislation and the Economy), and items from other publications as warranted. The materials selected are intended to reflect developments of interest to those professionally concerned with this field.

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