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Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory

ISSN (printed): 1043-6928. ISSN (electronic): 1545-5866.

Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory provides a lively forum for fresh and forceful interpretations of a wide range of literary texts. Lit puts literary theory into action, publishing theoretical analyses that are both rigorous and illuminating. By transcending the boundaries of conventional categories of period, region, and genre, Lit aims to forge a conversation among divergent and often competing critical perspectives as well as literature from different periods and nations. Animated by diversity, Lit embraces the assumption that important insights may be generated within a multitude of theoretical frameworks. Essays informed by structuralism, post-structuralism, gender theory, new or old historicism, psychoanalytic theory, postcolonial theory, semiotics, Marxism, or any other coherent, well-defined theoretical approach might be found in the pages of Lit. While Lit's emphasis is on traditional literary texts, the journal also considers analyses of other kinds of cultural texts, including popular media such as film. The journal insists upon a clarity of language that makes it accessible to a more general reader as well as important reading for literary scholars. General issues are designed to offer a spectrum of essays on a variety of subjects, while special issues bring a range of critical perspectives to a more clearly defined topic. Lit aims to create a dynamic space for energetic, original, and compelling theoretical interpretations of texts representing the rich and multifaceted literary traditions and innovations that have emerged in the course of human history.

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