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Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry
Indian J Soc Psychiatr

ISSN (printed): 0971-9962. ISSN (electronic): 2454-8316.

The Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (IASP) is the culmination of the collective effort of mental health professionals across the country to create a platform for exploration, discussion, research and action on the social determinants and correlates of mental health. Formed under the chairmanship of Professor A. Venkoba Rao in 1984 with Professor V.K.Varma as its Founder Secretary-General-cum-Treasurer, the association aims to examine the interface between culture and humanity and devotes itself to the scientific study of the issues relevant to the society. The overarching goal of IASP is to examine the role of social and cultural factors in the phenomenology, course, outcome and treatment of psychiatric disorders. The association strives to advance the application of mental health knowledge for the greater public good. IASP aspires to set high standards for research and education, and is determined to support psychiatrists and mental health professionals throughout their career. The IASP represents the first national society for social psychiatry in India and has current member strength of over a thousand mental health professionals. Members include mental health professionals from different fields including psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychiatric social workers and psychiatric nurses.

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