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Ricerche di Storia dell'Arte

ISSN: 0392-7202.

Ricerche di Storia dell’arte was founded late in 1976 on initiative of a group of arts and architecture Italian historians. It has already published over 100 issues, and it is by now one of the most serious and internationally estimated periodicals in the field of arts. Each issue develops around a specific theme that could be strictly historical, from “L’archeologia industriale” (Industrial archaeology), to “Cinquecento eccentrico” ( The eccentric Sixteenth century), “L’architettura spagnola del 500” ( Sixteenth century Spanish architecture) or “Pittori fra Rivoluzione e Restaurazione” (Painters between Revolution and Restoration); technical-artistic, as an instance “Il colore dell’antico” (The colour of the ancient) or “La miniatura” (The miniature) or, ultimately, dedicated to theoretical aspects of arts, such as “La sintesi delle arti. Il modello della totalità nell’arte dal primo Romanticismo alle Avanguardie” (The synthesis of arts. The world-ranging model in arts, from the first Romanticism to the avant-gardes). In the section “Fuori tema” (Off topic) there are scientific high value researches and new ones, focusing on an art object or an artist, restoration details, forgotten monuments.

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