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Symbolae Osloenses / Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies

ISSN: 0039-7679.

Symbolae Osloenses was first published in 1922 under the title Symbolae Arctoae. Its present title was established in 1924 (Vol.II), with the new subtitle added in 1997. Beginning with Volume LXXII, 1997, Symbolae Osloenses will regularly include a debate section with a major article by a leading scholar, followed by short comments by other scholars. In addition to original articles, the journal will also contain review articles, Forschungsberichte, and information on classical studies in Norway. In principle, the serial covers all branches of classical research (including the Middle Ages and the Renaissance). Contributions are written in English, occasionally in German, French or Italian. New papyri from the Oslo collection are regularly published in the serial.

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