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International Pest Control
Int Pest Contr

ISSN (printed): 0020-8256. ISSN (electronic): 1751-6919.

International Pest Control has been established for over 40 years as the only journal in the world dealing with all aspects of pest eradication and prevention -- for public health, animal welfare, food storage, crop protection, forestry and wood preservation. The journal employs a wide-ranging definition of the term `pest', taking in plants and fungal agents as well as members of the animal kingdom which cause disease, depredation or economic loss. And because pests recognise no national boundaries, control is increasingly approached on an international basis -- a situation which is reflected in both both the title and content of the journal. The science of pest control is currently embarking upon a period of change. Economic and environmental factors have combined to shift emphasis away from merely researching and conventionally applying new chemical pesticides, towards more efficient methods of applying existing compounds, the development of alternative techniques like biological control and, increasingly, the combination of all available methods into effective integrated pest management programmes. International Pest Control publishes a large number of original research and review papers from all over the world, documenting and drawing together the advantages and disadvantages of a wide variety of novel and established techniques with respect to different needs and ambient conditions. In addition, our `Pest Control Background' feature communicates news and views concerning manufacturers, suppliers, operators and researchers involved in the pest control industry. `Pest Control Developments' covers new products and services, together with recent recommendations and safety clearances for use of established products. And finally, as the field of international pest control is far too diverse to be covered fully in one journal, we include a comprehensive book review section featuring the contributions of a corps of reviewers who are specialists in their respective fields.

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