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American Artist

ISSN: 0002-7375.

American Artist is the leading monthly magazine for representational and figurative artists. We are devoted to the realism in art that our readers cherish, and we consider the artists we feature to be shining examples of excellence in their medium, whether oil paint, sculpture, watercolor, pastel, colored pencil, graphite, printmaking, or charcoal. Since 1937, American Artist has been a resource for artists seeking inspiration and instruction on improving their craft-a need we attend to in every section of the magazine. In addition to many step-by-step demonstrations in our feature articles, we provide two advice-based monthly departments: "Technical Page," a question-and-answer column in which our expert responds to readers' queries, and "Methods & Materials," an in-depth review of the topics that artists continually confront, such as painting on linen, manipulating texture, setting up a still life, and transporting artwork. We add to that with our regular features "The Watercolor Page" and "The Pastel Page," in which contemporary watercolorists and pastelists explain their working techniques. Rounding out the content are reviews of new art materials and current exhibitions, as well as the "Business & Professional Practices" segment, which covers such practicalities as gallery representation, portrait commissions, and juried exhibitions.

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